Human resources service - competent and reliable

For many years, our customers have trusted our reliable and competent support regarding job placement topics and temporary job opportunities. At the same time, JOB-werk represents a combination of fast and efficient solutions in conjunction with reliable and sufficiently competent employees. The current emphasis on social responsibility is a matter of course.

Thanks to our more than twenty years of experience in the field, we know that satisfied and long-term employees are our most valuable asset. We are a member of foreign organizations, thus we always guarantee you market conditions given by a specific region. Because only sufficiently motivated employees are able to    deliver the best performance for our customers - especially in terms of flexibility, reliability and speed.
We will also be happy to provide you with a suitable solution in the entire spectrum of HR issues (human resources and human resources). We are happy to provide this service to companies and entrepreneurs, as well as job seekers. If you want to find out more about your options with us, simply contact us directly.

Contact us: we look forward to seeing you.